Understanding Frequency Filters on everything RF

Understanding Frequency Filters on everything RF

We have recently updated the way users can search for products based on their operating frequency. Since we launched in 2010, we have got lots of feedback on ways to improve our search tools. One of the most requested features was to improve the frequency algorithm. After We now provide two options:

Inside Frequency Range: This means that the products that you find will lie within the frequency range that you enter. So if you enter Min = 2400 MHz and Max = 2500 MHz. Then all the products you will get will have a frequency within this range, for example, 2400 - 2500 MHz, 2410 - 2490 MHz, 2440-2450.


The products you will see first are closest to the range you entered, this way if there is an exact match, you will see those first.

Outside Frequency Range: In this case, the product results that you will get, will have a frequency range outside the range you enter. So if you enter Min= 2000 MHz and Max= 3000 MHz, you will get products with frequency ranges like 1900 to 3100 MHz and 1800 to 3200 MHz. This option can be used when you are looking for a product that definitely operates across the frequency range you enter.

An example would be, that if you are looking for an amplifier to use from 8000 MHz to 10000 MHz, you can use one that operates from 7000 to 10500 MHz as well (outside range) but can not use one from 9000 to 10000 MHz.

In both cases, we have added a 10% margin, that will allow 10% variance both inside and outside the frequency range. So if you enter 8,000 to 10,000 MHz with Outside Range selected, you will see products that are 200 MHz (10% of 10000-8000) outside the range i.e you might see products from 8200 to 9800 MHz (even though outside the frequency range is selected).

The other option that we provide in frequency is the flexibility to specify the frequency range in MHz or GHz.

These options apply to all product categories with a frequency filter.

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With over 30 years of experience in the RF industry, Technalogix has maintained a reputation for quality and reliability. Technalogix is located in the heart of Central Alberta. 100% of our transmitters are designed, manufactured and assembled in Canada. We build modulators, digital & analog TV transmitters, ISM amplifiers and much more. Browse from the list of RF equipment below and find the right tool for your needs.

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