By 2030, it is estimated that over 23 million people will be diagnosed with cancer, an increase of over 14 million annually. It is a devastating disease for patients and an overwhelming burden for healthcare setups, as well as a major cost for the national economy in many cases.
A continuous, round-the-clock observation system is imperative with the growing number of cancer patients every year. By monitoring cancer patients using the Internet of Things (IoT), we are able to detect cancer-related symptoms in their earliest stages, monitor cancer patients continuously, and monitor cured cases after treatment.
Wireless technologies provide many benefits in medical devices, including always-on cancer patient monitoring, wireless sensing and seamless communications (person-to -person and machine-to-machine). In addition to dedicated medical wireless technologies, the medical industry is widely adapting off-the-shelf wireless connectivity technologies such as WLAN. The combination of signal generators and signal analyzers is ideal for testing IoT medical devices. But how do Keysight’s signal analyzers help analyzing various wireless signals for the design validation and verification during medical device testing?
Wireless systems, parts, and modules must meet stringent standards. Keysight’s MXA X-Series signal analyzers provide required accuracy and speed to meet these standards in the medical industry. Some key parameters to consider when selecting your signal analyzer are: maximum analysis bandwidth, sufficient dynamic range and sensitivity, and low phase noise. Wide bandwidth is highly desirable when performing modulation quality measurements such as error vector magnitude (EVM), which requires the capture of the entire modulation bandwidth to demodulate your signal. Low phase noise provides the ability to achieve low EVM, allowing you to improve your design margin, quality, and yield. The Keysight MXA family accurately characterizes wireless device performance in medical systems by meeting stringent adjacent channel power (ACP) and spectrum emission mask (SEM) requirements. In addition, these analyzers come with Noise Floor Extension (NFE) to automatically characterize and subtract noise in all measurement configurations.
The PathWave VSA software applications allow you to see through the complexity of leading-edge wireless signals. This allows you to enhance your perspective with multi-measurement mode and go to the root problem quickly with advanced troubleshooting tools. Keysight PathWave X-series measurement applications provide ready-to-use measurements for your signal analysis. By simplifying complex tasks and delivering repeatable results, these applications let you view and understand the performance of your medical devices and understand your device designs better. The X-series measurement applications for signal analyzers allow you to simplify measurement routines, conduct pass/fail tests, and gain more insight into your device performance.
These tools enable you to explore virtually every facet of a signal and optimize your most advanced medical system designs.
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